🥂 Our first date: what to expect
What will our date be like? No two dates are alike, so it is impossible to answer this question! If you did not request any specific presentation from me, you can expect me to answer the door in minimal makeup and feminine dress. After getting the "dirty" part out of the way (handling my gift), I will likely be curious to get to know you, and enjoy talking for a while, or helping you to relax with a massage. This experience is about you, so just be yourself!
Where will we meet? Unless our date is "outcall," in which case we will meet at your chosen location, for our first time together I will reserve us a private room with DayUse, an application that allows us to book a hotel room for a few hours or a day. I love this setting for dates: first, it makes me feel like we're in our own secret world, away from the rest of the city; and it is a neutral, clean, and safe place, which puts me at ease so that I can relax and focus on the pleasure of your company. I will send you the address of the location the day before.
Should I bring anything? I will have the basics covered. If you'd like to start our date off with a shared glass of your favorite drink, feel free to bring a bottle - don't forget an opener! If you'd like me to bring anything specific (sex toys, massage oil, etc.), feel free to let me know in advance. Gifts such as chocolate or lingerie always make me smile of course, but they are never expected.
🎩 Etiquette you should know
Whether this is your first time seeing a companion, or you are experienced in this type of date, please review the following etiquette that you should observe during our meeting:
- Please arrive on time, and let me know in advance if you are running late. If our date must be shortened because you are late, there is no discount or refund of the gift.
- Please place my monetary gift in a card, book, or unopened envelope, and present it to me within the first few minutes of our date. If you choose to pay by credit card, similarly, this must be done within the first few minutes of meeting.
- If your gift is in cash, I ask that you give me some time alone to count the bills. This is a great opportunity for you to excuse yourself to freshen up a bit in the bathroom.
- Please come with spotless hygiene: this means recently showered and teeth brushed. If you need to take a shower upon arrival, it is not a problem.
- Take the time to read my website to familiarize yourself about what I like and don't like concerning intimacy. I don't expect you to have memorized every detail - but certain keywords like "respect," "communication" and "consent" should be kept in mind.
- Do observe the time and do not overstay. If you want to extend our date, let me know at least a few minutes before the end of the hour. (See "extending our time" below).
💋 Sex and intimacy
I am always touched when a suitor asks in advance of a date what I like in bed. Thank you for considering my pleasure!
The truth is, it is difficult to answer this question in advance. First, I believe that sexual pleasure with someone depends on our chemistry, and therefore what I like in bed with one person might not be the same with another. Second, just like everyone, my desires can change: some days I might be eager to try one thing, and others I might prefer to try another!
In any case, I'm sure that as long as both of us are respectful and communicative, we're both going to have a great time.
As a final side note: you should certainly not feel guilty if you are more inclined to prioritize your pleasure above all else. This is a service that you are paying for, so my feelings will not be hurt if you want to be treated like a king for the few hours we're together!
⌛ Extending our time
If both of our schedules allow, it is no problem to extend our time together. See my specialties page to know what to expect in terms of the adjustment of the gift. If you're not sure, please don't be embarassed to ask me if you're not sure how much the adjusted gift will be, I much prefer that we are on the same page. Be ready to handle the adjusted gift before the supplemental time begins - this might mean bringing some extra bills on your part, if you think there is a chance that you will want to extend our time. If not, I also accept credit card.
Finally, please let me know at least a few minutes before the end of our hour if you'd like to extend our date.
📅 Cancelling, rescheduling
Please make your best effort to avoid cancellations or rescheduling. I have only a few availabilities for dates each month, so this will result in a loss of resources for me, in terms of time, energy, and money. If cancellation is unavoidable, let me know as early in advance as possible, and we can try to reschedule.
We can reschedule our date up to one time. After that, the deposit is lost and it is not possible to reschedule. See this page for more about rescheduling and the deposit.
📹 Video souvenir
We can record our date for a supplement of 100 €, under the following conditions:
1) Kate will be allowed to publish the video on her MYM and/or OnlyFans account (your face of course will never be visible).
2) The video must be recorded on Kate's device. You can certainly request to be emailed the file after editing (namely the application of a watermark to avoid reproduction).
3) You will under no circumstances be allowed to republish or redistribute the video. Any noncensensual redistribution of the video (or of Kate's online content for that matter) is punishable by up to two years of imprisonment and 60,000 € of fines, in accordance with articles 226-1 and 226-2 of the French penal code :
« Lorsque les délits prévus aux articles 226-1 et 226-2 portent sur des paroles ou des images présentant un caractère sexuel prises dans un lieu public ou privé, les peines sont portées à deux ans d'emprisonnement et à 60 000 € d'amende. Est puni des mêmes peines le fait, en l'absence d'accord de la personne pour la diffusion, de porter à la connaissance du public ou d'un tiers tout enregistrement ou tout document portant sur des paroles ou des images présentant un caractère sexuel, obtenu, avec le consentement exprès ou présumé de la personne ou par elle-même, à l'aide de l'un des actes prévus à l'article 226-1 . »